You Like To Have "
Kris Cunningham
[11/22/03; updated 11/8/04, LLA]
In early December, as Willow Glen streets begin to light up with the sparkle of miniature evergreens, our phone begins to light up with calls from enthusiastic neighbors wondering how they, too, might join in this Willow Glen tradition. Since it is important to start early, we thought we would give you the information now, so that planning time can take place before the Christmas rush.
On our street, we put out a flyer in the middle of November and ask neighbors to return their money and orders for stakes, lights, and trees by the end of November. I make out one check to an individual who coordinates our block. They pay the tree supplier and deliver the trees to my front lawn the first Saturday in December. Then a team of neighbors wire the trees to the rebar stake and make sure each tree is the same distance from the sidewalk. We are each responsible for putting on our own lights. A very old tradition is to use the large colored lights and to put one white light at the top of the tree.
Throughout Willow Glen, many streets have captains and others do not. Some
of us have participated in
1. Poll your neighbors to see if there is sufficient interest;
2. Contact a tree source as early as possible to enable suppliers to pre-order;
3. Contact a source for metal rebar or stakes which are used to secure trees from wind/theft; and
4. Decide on dates and methods concerning an order form and flyer, money collection, tree distribution, and the putting up and taking down of the trees. [Sometimes people arrange to place the trees in a line, determined as a given number of feet from the curb or sidewalk: this distance varies block-to-block. Often a date is chosen, such as the first Saturday in Dec., when they are put up. Some blocks also have a "tree lighting" party afterwards at one of the neighbor's homes, w/ caroling, cookies, eggnog and mould wine. --LA]
By working as a team, we decorate our block quickly, we help those who find it difficult to put up a tree, and we have an opportunity to meet new neighbors and visit with friends. It really is fun!
Tree Sources:
Steve Denton, 1302 Camino Pablo, 297-8650. Order by noon Nov. 29th.
Past-year suppliers: These tree providers have served well in the past and may also be ready to take your orders now!
* Dave Green, Wholesales Trees (408/279-2451)
* Jay Meduri (408/294-6941)
* Enchanted Forest Christmas Trees, 3070 Senter Rd, San Jose, Ca 95111 (408-288-8955). Located on Senter Rd one block north of Capitol Expy. Sell yard trees for $14.00 including tax. Free delivery at one drop for 50 or more trees. Carry Douglas Fir, Noble Fir and Grand Fir trees.
* St. Christoper's Church will carry street trees. Contact Steve Oreglia at 605-2617 for info.